Exhibitions in the Museum of Music History

A 20th Century Instrument Making Workshop and Hungarian Master Violins Violin workshop TITLE

Workshop: permanent exhibition in the 8th room of the Museum of Music History

Master violins: temporary exhibition in the 7th room

Curator: Anna BARANYI

The exhibition is open: From 1 October 2014


Pictures of the exhibition:

  • P1050412
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Plan of the exhibition:



Pictures of the violin and CD presentation concert (16 October 2014):

  • P1330530_2014.10.16_master_violins
  • P1330533_2014.10.16_master_violins
  • P1330538_2014.10.16_FoldesiLajos_KocsisAndrea
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  • P1330542_2014.10.16_FoldesiLajos_KocsisAndrea
  • P1330553_2014.10.16_FoldesiLajos
  • P1330554 2014.10.16 FöldesiLajos KocsisAndrea
  • P1330555_2014.10.16_FoldesiLajos_KocsisAndrea
  • P1330562_2014.10.16_FoldesiLajos_KocsisAndrea
  • P1330564_2014.10.16_FoldesiLajos
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  • P1330605b_2014.10.16_master_violins
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Directed by: Anna Baranyi
Executed by
 members of the Museum of Music History: Anna Baranyi, Péter Gerő 
National Cultural Fund
Lajos Földesi violinist
Tibor Juhos Tibor and the Rosé Ltd. (www.roseaukcio.hu)
Tamás Guminár violin maker (www.guminarviolin.hu)


P1310987     Rose map