The Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Musicology of SAS (Ústav hudobnej vedy SAV) was founded in 1943 among the first research branches of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Arts (Slovenská akadémia vied a umení, 1942 – 1953). Until 1990 the Institute was part of the Institute of Research on Art, SAS (Umenovedný ústav SAV) as the Musicology Section (Sekcia hudobnej vedy). In 1990 it became independent and renewed under its original name Ústav hudobnej vedy Slovenskej akadémie vied. The Institute of Musicology of the SAS performs basic research of music and music culture in Slovakia in regional, national, Central European and European contexts. Our research conception derives from the integrated model of musicology, based on the pursuing of and collaboration between the three core disciplines: historical musicology, ethnomusicology, and systematic musicology.
The Institute of Theatre and Film Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Theatre and Film Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (ITFR of the SAS) is an immediate successor of the Department of Theatre and Film of the SAS which was established on 1 April 1990. The Institute covers basic research in theatre, film radio and television arts. Its research tasks are focused on the theory and history of culture, i.e. the history of Slovak theatre and film culture, on drama arts theory and on the relationship between Slovak and foreign drama arts.
Role of the partner: The partner contributes to the project with the results of long years of research on the history of the Bratislava Stadttheater. In addition to a series of publications, the partner has initiated the elaboration of a database on the theatre’s daily programme (1886-1920). In the planned cooperation could provide a common basis for the methodology of the data processing, publication of the database.
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Jana Laslavíková, PhD, Research Fellow, Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of Theatre and Film Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Her PhD thesis and her work at the Institute of Musicology belongs to the research topic of the project. |