Jeney 70 – Conference in Honor to the 70th Birthday of the Composer (March 14th, 2013)


Texts of the Papers given at the Conference

Sándor Kovács: The End is Coming, Comrade Pozsgay
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Szabolcs Molnár: ’I’m Just Looking for the Word’, or the Way Critics Reflect to Novelties
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Anna Dalos: Political Opposition, Neo-Avantgarde, Double Talk. On the Context of the Új Zenei Stúdió (New Music Studio) in the 1970s
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Tünde Szitha: ’Although we formed it, it was him who established the Új Zenei Stúdió (New Music Studio).’ Albert Simon the Teacher and Spiritual Leader
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Balázs Déri: Contemplations on the Possibilities and Impossibilities of Contemporary Sacred Music Composition
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English

Zoltán Farkas: Woher? Wohin? The Contrafactum Technique of Zoltán Jeney
Full Text in Hungarian  • Abstract in Hungarian • Abstract in English