Béla Bartók : For Children. Early Version and Revised Version

Comparative edition with critical commentary

vol. 37 of the Béla Bartók Complete Critical Edition, 

edited by the Budapest Bartók Archives

G. Henle Verlag & Editio Musica Budapest




Bartók Béla: Írások a népzenéről és népzenekutatásról II.

[Béla Bartók: Essays on Folk Music and Folk Music Research II.]

 vol. 4 of Béla Bartók Writings

Editio Musica Budapest


Bartók Hall, Institute for Musicology

Research Centre for the Humanities

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

11 February 2017


Invitation Card of the Book Presentation (in Hungarian) >

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Programme of the book presentation



Lajos Vékás, vice president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences



László Somfai, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 

Founding editor of the Béla Bartók Complete Critical Edition


Round table discussion on the new publications

with the editors László SomfaiLászló Vikárius,

Vera Lampert and Viola Biró 

moderated by Sándor Kovács 


Zoltán Fejérvári (piano) plays pieces from

Bartók: For Children, selection





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