Musicological Conference on the 90th Birthday of György Kurtág
2–3, June 2015
Video recordings of the papers on (coming soon):
Pál Richter: Opening of the conference (Director of the Institute of Musicology RCH HAS)
Paul Griffiths: On hearing György Kurtág reading Samuel Beckett (Keynote)
Analytical approaches
Julia Galieva: Pitch organization in the works by Kurtág, Stravinsky, and Denisov: Folk ritual and its modern reconstruction
Zoltán Farkas: “I had a lot of difficulties with the form of Colindă-Baladă”: Kurtág’s approach to large-scale form
Laurentiu Beldean: A cross-reading in the music of Games by György Kurtág: The variety of the pictural line and its forms, noticeable through the game theory
Liu Xueyang: From the moment of splitting: The challenge of Kurtág’s Gestalt und Geist (Hölderlin-Gesänge, op. 35a, no. 3) in analytical aspects
Tobias Bleek: Composing and performing musical gestures: Some remarks on Kurtág’s notation
Márta Grabócz: Introduction to a typology of expressive gestures and genres in the early works of György Kurtág (op. 1 – op. 7)
Ulrich Mosch: Music as gesture: Reflections around Jelek VI (1961/1995)
Simone Hohmaier: Composed gesture in György Kurtág’s oeuvre
Iulia Anda Mogoşan: György Kurtág as “master of the intermittent gesture”
Stephen Blum & Grégoire Tosser: “Erstarren”: Petrification and numbness in György Kurtág’s music
Dina Lentsner: “Nakedness” as Kurtág’s confessional fiction
Context and influences
Richard Kurth: Kurtág’s aphoristic reflex: Constellations of poetic and vocal presence in the Attila József Fragments
Bianca Ţiplea Temeş: The impossible wedding of the Moon and Sun:
A Romanian archaic myth in Colindă Baladă by György Kurtág
Anna Dalos: The role of Hungarian folk music in Kurtág’s compositions
Marilena Laterza: “They come / different and the same:” Rewriting as a creative practice in György Kurtág’s music
Hugues Seress: The legacy of Nyugat movement in Kurtág’s musical thinking: The figures of Twilight (Alkony) and Nothingness (Semmiség) in opus 8 and 44
Márton Kerékfy: Ligeti and Kurtág: Parallel lives
Joachim Junker: Omaggio a Luigi Nono – Omaggio a György Kurtág
Tünde Szitha: “...courage to work with even fewer notes.” György Kurtág and the New Music Studio in Budapest
Péter Halász: Kafka-Fragmente: Text and genesis
Karl Katschthaler: The (im)possibility of narration: Latent theatricality in the music of György Kurtág
Martin Parker Dixon: Kafka, Kurtág, and parabolic truth
William Kinderman: Kurtág’s Kafka: Paradox in the Kafka Fragments
Małgorzata Lisecka: Narrative strategies in György Kurtág’s Kafka-Fragmente
Martin Scheuregger: The fragment as agent of unity in Kurtág’s Kafka Fragments